Tuesday, February 7, 2012

About the name "Hank"

My dad's name was Henry, although everybody always called him "Hank". He was one of nine kids born to Norwegian immigrants who settled around Horton, Kansas just after the turn of the twentieth century. As typical Norwegian farmers, they were all of rather imposing height and girth. So much so, in fact, that most people referred to dad as "Big Hank". This naturally resulted in my becoming known as "Lil Hank" to my closest friends, even though my given first name is Phillip.

I have shrunk some with age, but I'm still six foot one and over 230 lbs. The fact that my friends considered me "little" compared to my dad should give you some idea of my family's stature. Dad's gone now, so I'm the only "Hank" left. I decided to use that moniker just for fun and to confuse a few people who might be looking for me.

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